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fellowship of the nine [new party mod]


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what this mod does is place a band of adventures around cyrodiil, who when approached, can be recruited too join your cause to save cyrodiil from corruption.

the mod is made using blackie's amazing cm partners mod basic, so i accept no credit for the scripting, i used her companions as a base for mine.i also use nec's mystic elf face for 2 of the companions.


cora - pirate imperial can be found at umbacano manor, talos plasa, ic

xenos - battlemage dremora can be found at the foaming flask talos plasa ic

ashe - spellsword mystic elf can be found at the flowing bowl anvil

serenity - healer mystic elf can be found at the mages guild anvil

lacara - archer ohmes raht can be found at tiber septim hotel


this mod requires beautiful people or cosmetic compilation [not both], nec mystic elf face to function, my dremora looks better with but does not require the truly amazing custom fullbody dremora texture by alien slof who should be awarded for her artwork. you can get the texture at her site:



download link: http://tessource.net/files/file.php?id=8611







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