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Console cheat player.setav [attribute] doesn't work?


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I wanna use a cheat to increase my attributes, now I don't like cheating but I don't like having to level certain minor skills before major ones to get the most of my leveling either! I was wondering if there's a cheat that lets you set you attributes above the current level. So far only player.setav worked for me since modpca etc. don't let you set them higher than they're supposed to be. The thing is that I could set my strength to 500 with player.setav but if I'd have a sword and it'd say '10' at damage with strength 50 for example it woulld still say '10' with strength 500 using the cheat. Also when I use it on endurance my total health doesn't increase.


Please help me since I don't like the leveling system very much :(:S

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