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NPCs in combat with other NPCs ignoring the player


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When an enemy is in combat with another NPC they completely ignore the player. Skyrim is the only video game I have ever played that does this. Oblivion does not. I have attempted working with game setting with no success. How can I get the opponents to be more interested in the player during group combat?? Has no one else noticed this???


In oblivion or any other game. If an enemy is in combat with any ally to the player or another NPC and the player approaches and attacks the enemy will immediately engage the player.


In Skyrim you can walk up to the enemy and if they are engaged in combat with a NPC you can pound them over the head untill they die and they will just ignore you.


Can anyone help??



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Scriptname A13M3 extends Actor

Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \
  bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)

If akaggressor == Game.GetPlayer()



I have been able to make some progress with this script. Only if the player is right in front of the target.


It really is amazing how the opponents ignore the player when they are in combat with a NPC.


Without this script I can stand right in front of the opponent and hit them with power shot after power shot and they will not engage in combat with me.


Does anyone have any knowledge of the game settings and how they effect the way NPCs chose targets and switch targets?




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