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Which races are "canon" and which are not?


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If the major problem you're trying to solve is the fact that when you create a character, you have to click your mouse button five or six extra times to go past all the races you're not interested in...


Yeah. I'd say you're being a curmudgeon for sure. Seriously, and I mean this in the kindest way possible, you need to take a few deep breaths and just get over it.


Oblivion is a fabulous game but it can't be everything for everyone and if you start nitpicking absurd little non-issues like this one, you'll wind up making yourself unhappy for no real reason. Is it really worth that?


My advice when you're at the character creation screen is to just steel yourself, close your eyes and click that button a dozen times quickly! Get to the race you want, then take another minute and a half clicking through a dozen stupid hairstyles. You can do it. Once it's done you'll never have to see those races or hairs again.


Now you can start playing the game, and reserve your inner curmudgeon for the thousand and one things that really are aggravating enough to get annoyed at.

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