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LOD Bias issues


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Hi, I come from the offciail forums as I didn't get much feedback there. Here ismy problem:


I am having some problems with most games regarding texture anisotropic filtering, I think, or it may be a problem related to LOD bias. Here are my specs:


[email protected]

4gb OCZ ram@667mhz

ATI HD 5850

X-Fi XtremeGamer


And here are a few screens:










I seem to see "shadows" or areas of low resolution textures (I have marked the "boundaries" where high resolution and low resolution textures meet with red curves) sweep the landscape as I move or jump high into the air. The effect is very noticeable when the game is in motion, and is very distracting. As I mentioned before, I see this effect on other games like Oblivion, Fallout 3, Doom 3, Stalker, etc but it is not very noticeable on those games. I am running Morrowind with MGE. I have tried the following:


- Forced AF thorugh ATI cantalyst center and MGE

- Disabled MGE

- Playing with MGE LOD bias settings

- Changing the scaling and mipmap filter settings in MGE

- Update/downgrade ATI drivers

- Different settings combination in the ATI Catalyst Center

- Pulling my hair out in frustration

- Standing upside down while launching the game


I did some experimenting and it seems these "shadows" vary in intensity in proportion to mipmap level. I tried disabling the CatAI but no go, and playing around with the AA settings didn't help either. Temps are not that high (<55 for CPU under load and <50 for GPU). Increasing fan speed didn't do anything either. Any ideas?

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