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Courier Voice Triggers


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Hello, I'm new to this modding with GECK for Fallout New Vegas. I was wondering if there is away to make the sound trigger for the courier more often (Power attack, generic_hit, etc...). It seems like there is a huge difference with frequency compared to Fallout 3 to New Vegas. Most times I hear something is when I fall off a cliff or step on a bear trap. On GECK so far I only found the voice .ogg files but not something related to frequency. Can anyone give me a tip or help?

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Ah I see, I was just wondering if there was a line of code or something that I can modify to increase it but I guess there isn't one. What I'm trying to work here is trying to make a voice mod to replace the courier's current voice. However, I just felt that any sort of audio cues are so rare that I get frustrated trying to test if it works or not. The enemy NPC is exactly like FO3, making all sorts of noises while attacking or taking fire. Replacing other sound files to integrate the voice sound in would somewhat work but I think it would become awkward hearing male npc sounding like female or vice versa. Thanks for the tip though, appreciate it.

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