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Constant micro-stuttering


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I'll keep your recommendations in mind, InAComaDial999, since I think I'll probably be resorting to OSR, too. I used to use it on my old laptop and it was an essential tool, there.


However, I've always, even back then, fiddled with Oblivion.ini settings, including those in the Tweak Guide, and I've never had any problems on either of the computers on which I have Oblivion installed until I started pushing the envelope too far. Hundreds, probably thousands, of people have used that guide with no difficulty. As I said in my earlier post, many of the mods you'll download here to tweak your game do nothing but essentially modify those same values. If the Tweak Guide was, in and of itself, misleading its readers as to the safety of the indicated tweaks, then all those mods would be equally unsafe, and they clearly are not.


What you say about stutter being related to the 60Hz issue with monitors is quite true. I purposely keep my frame rate capped at 60, although it seems to inexplicably jump to 61 for a moment on some occasions. Even that is probably overkill. There's hardly a difference in the appearance of the world at 40 and 60 fps, after all.

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Really the stutter is caused by the 60hz problem. That is, your monitor runs at 60hz, but Oblivion wants to render at 64hz, and the resultant skipping causes the microstutter.


All you normally have to do to get rid of it is enable bFix64Hertz = 1 and iSchedulingResolution = 1 in the OSR ini file and leave all the other settings at 0. The other stuff OSR does can lead to problems. You definitely don't need to enable the FPS cap to get rid of microstutter.


And just about all the stuff the "tweak guides" tell you to do will lead to problems.


Well I guess my case wasn't normal then, because by default bFix64Hertz and iSchedulingResolution were enabled in OSR, and while it did remove stuttering, it left me with a lack of FPS - and no wonder, since the MaxFPS was set @ 30?

Mouse Lag Problem Solved: Atleast 90% of it anyhow, reducing pre-rendered frames setting from my nvidia settings (video settings whatever) from 3 to 1 didn't have much (BUT SOME) effect. Then I googled someone saying that you need to limit your max FPS to 59.9 if you got Vsync on to get rid of the mouse lag. That's what I did in the OSR.ini and now the mouse lag is, well, it's still not Quake3 but its very, very unnoticeable.

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Well I guess my case wasn't normal then, because by default bFix64Hertz and iSchedulingResolution were enabled in OSR, and while it did remove stuttering, it left me with a lack of FPS - and no wonder, since the MaxFPS was set @ 30?


What I mean is that to get rid of microstuttering, your Master section in OSR.ini should look like this:


Master = {
_comment = You can turn on or off each distinct feature from here.
bManageFPS = 0
bHookCriticalSections = 0
bHookHashtables = 0
bReplaceHeap = 0
bLogToConsole = 0
bFix64Hertz = 1
bFlushLog = 0
iSchedulingResolution = 1
iMainHookPoint = 0


In other words, you don't need the FPS cap or any of the other stuff to remove microstutter. Setting the timing resolution to 1 and enabling the 64 Hz fix takes care of the microstuttering.

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Ye, ye, true that. You just gotta remember to turn off the FPS capping since its on by default.


In my case tho I'm using the FPS cap since it seems I get mouse lag without it. (Put MaxFPS to 0 [should be off then] and got pretty huge dragging, at 59.9 'tis all good.)

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