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How to script weapon sounds


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Hi people!


I am fairly inexperienced at modding and scripting and have been making a mod, I want to ask:


- How do I attach a script to a weapon to make that weapon play a sound when the player swings the weapon

- What might such a script look like?



I've tried using RegisterForAnimationEvent to register for weapon swings, but every time I compile it within my Form script it shows an error saying that it is not a function. I have SKSE installed.


I am really confused and would appreciate any input you guys might have,


Thank you!



P.S: I know that you can add sounds to a weapon directly in the weapon edit screen but I am creating a mod that requires the sound to be played by a script.




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So I solved my problem but in case any others come here from a google search, here is the code I used, which I attached directly to the weapon:

Scriptname a_DOVAKHIN extends Form

Event OnInit()
    RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "weaponSwing")
Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
 	if (akSource == Game.GetPlayer()) && (asEventName == "weaponSwing")
            int instanceID = Doh1.play(akSource)        
            Sound.SetInstanceVolume(instanceID, 1.0)        

Sound Property Doh1  Auto
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