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Dialogue Prompts Limited To 100 Chars?


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Hey all,

I'm working on the first stages of my first companion mod at the moment, and am currently trying to create the NPC as a coherent NPC with a fully fleshed out dialogue tree before I convert him into a follower. The GECK has been limiting my prompts (player statements) to 100 characters; however, I've looked fairly extensively at the original characters' dialogue and they have many prompts that go over 100 characters.


Is there some technique I'm missing, or is that simply not available to me?

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There are several differences between what geck lets you enter, and what the game designers do. I agree with the 100 character limit on an individual "info" object (line of dialog). It seems that if you are using subtitles, the game won't display a subtitle longer than 100 characters. I have had this problem. If you want to make dialog which is longer, you can always make multiple info's instead of just one. In the dialog box where you enter the info's, simply click "new" again in the info section and you can add multiple lines. I have done this and it works.
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