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im looking for a mod to make aiming more rewarding. irl i have very raly used a gun (rifle and shotty irl when i gone huntting with a fam) one thing i noticed hugely is i wobble 98% percent less then in the game (with ironsights mod)


so my question is is there a mod out there that limits the wobble and more when you knell.

i know theres mod that make it so it dont wobble. dont want them (yet anyway since my gunskill is 40. when my gunskill was 100 it still bobbled badly for me)


thanks for reading. i dont even know if mods are ally worked on anymore.. xD

(if so i might have to ask for a new gun/ with model.)


(edited updating question)

i would be happy enough if i just had to edit something in my game ini file dono what tho.. and if someone could help me with that that be cool to.

Edited by thunderlord2200
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