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Fallout 2 help

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Before someone blows a gasket, Yes I know this is the wrong place but theres nothing on the Fallout 2 board and I really need help. On to the problem.----My save games have reverted back to a point that are several months in the past game time, and I have no idea why.


Yet in my save game files its showing everything up to date, all the places I've been that I hadent been to before during on the save it reverted me to. Is there anyway to get back where I was, or is my current game bugged out? Would really appreciate some help here, as I've done ALOT on my current save (before it f*#@ed me over) and don't feel like starting over.


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Take the save games an put them into a backup folder. That way you can delete everything an place whatever save you want in the game. Not that I would know much about the older games. But theoretically a save game is a save game. By taking the savegames you know of, an placing them out of the game folder into your back up you can see if there is a hidden savegame or possibly moved save games to allow the game to function many years later. You know, you took all the save games out an placed them in a backup folder outside the games files. It still wants to load, chances are it's got other places that it's saving/loading at.

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