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Fade Transformations model glitch


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Howdy, I'm relatively new to the boards, but not new to the Nexus. I use quite an extensive amount of mods for my Dragon Age: Origins, and I imagine everyone else here does as well, and I was wondering if anyone else had come across this glitch in particular:


When I'm in the Fade portion at the Circle of Mages quest, I just received the ability to transform into the Mage, and upon doing so, I got a horribly disfigured and glitched model, as seen in the attachment.


Anyone have any idea what mod could cause this? My last playthrough didn't have this issue, and I'm not entirely sure what mods I've installed since that playthrough that could have caused it, so I was hoping maybe someone else ran into it.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions.





[Edit: I may have inadvertently discovered it has to do with the fact that I'm using a custom head morph added in via the toolset. Is there any way to correct this bug if they are related?]

Edited by VincentSeraphim
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Heyas Vincent!

I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems like that. That's pretty bad.


But you are correct, that this is most likely an issue with a custom made face. Dunno why, but those tend to bug shapeshifting. :(


1) IF you have a savegame from before you applied the custom morph, you could use the face replacer http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=428 to extract the original morph from that savegame, and then use the face replacer to then use the original morph back in the savegame that you're playing now. That might work to fix the bug, since it would be a CC made face.


2) If you DONT have a prior save, you could try creating a completely new character and use the replacer to do what I posted in 1). That might work.


3) If you don't want to make an entirely new character, and you made the character in the STANDALONE character creator for dragon age, you can go into documents/bioware/dragon age/characters and find the folder name for the character that you're playing. In that folder you will see a folder named Saves.

CUT and paste that folder to a different area of your harddrive, then start a new game, using that character again, till you reach a savepoint. Do what I said in 1) and then replace your saves there in that folder.


4) IF you have a savegame from before you entered the fade in the tower quests, and you dont mind skipping the majority of that fade quest alltogether, you can use hdhd's "skip the fade" mod. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=816

it will still take you to a small portion of the fade quest, but avoid all the parts where you need the shapeshifting powers.


I'm not sure if this will work or not, but thats all that I can really think of to try.

I definitely hope it helps, and definitely wish you good luck.

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Thanks for the quick response. I figured it had something to do with that. If it's that much work to get around it, I'll just deal with the glitchy appearance then, as I'm already over halfway done with it as it is. Do you happen

to know if there are any other areas in the game where using a toolset-added head morph will cause any other issues?

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Hiya Vincent :)

No problem at all, I just wish that I could have offered you a solution that was more to your liking :(


To the best of my knowledge, shapeshifting is the only time that custom made heads become a problem. I've seen a few cases where the mod Improved Atmosphere has caused a lot of problems. Tho usually with armors working correctly, and making it look like the character is just a floating head.

What we call "floating head syndrome" LOL.

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Haha, thankfully I have none of those issues, minus my Warden's head appearing in strange places during the transformations, save for the rat.


I wonder why that is, however? That the rat does not seem affected by the head morph issue, but the other three transformations do?



Although, it would be absolutely hilarious to see my Warden's face on a rat body. I almost half wished it was bugged too.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yeah, that would be REALLY funny to see the warden's head on the rat's body! :laugh:

Most likely it's because all of the "humanOID" figures use a seperate mesh for the head, body, hands, and feet. Or in a lot fo cases with darkspawn and whatnot they are just head and body. But still two seperate parts.

The rat is a unimesh (only a single part) figure, so the game isnt trying to translate body parts that it doesn't understand.

Edited by DarkeWolf
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