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Footsteps and gun sounds are delayed occasionally

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I've tried finding an update, I'm on version 2.0 and I'm not seeing any updates that are higher than that. I've messed with some settings and turning off threaded audio does help but it causes the old radio stutter that I had before but the radio stutter doesn't become a huge problem until later in the game and I can always toggle it back on. I've also noticed that turning some of the distance settings down helps too. I'm just going to live with this but thanks for the support either way. The only thing I have left to ask is if there are any performance mods you'd recommend?

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*I spazed out writing this, sorry*


Radio stutter is just .mp3 compression I believe, convert em to .wav an it's gone, there might be a mod that does that. You could also just copy the songs to a playlist an play it outside the game if you wanted that type of music or pandora for the matter. Stutter remover works. I play at 24fps to lock it there for films, it might change to 25 or 30, but it was stuttering an kind of janky, to which stutter remover cleared it up. I guess maybe when they were running FNV on ENB they noticed it because of the lower frame rate, an hence the stutter remover was created. It just smooths it, not exactly performance.


I mean if you are playing on 60 fps an asking about performance increasing mods, you should lock the frame rate to 30 with Nvidia Inspector or game recording software. After a few days we get used to low frame rates an if you go back to a high frame rate you might hate it, just like you hated going to 24, 25, or 30. It's messed up but it feels more like a video game at the lower frame rates an less like a simulated world, less fake. I think the frames have more time to soak into the brain or something. Then you would have performance to spare. Then just texture pack, ENB, or learn about running a negative LOD bias to sharpen.


Then set nvidia control panel to use high quality texture filtering at a lower rate like 4x or 8x, because high quality 8x is better than normal or low quality 16x, it's about distance, 8x is like 50 feet or so an everything past it is ignored, 16x digs into past that 50 feet area, an we don't even really look there for detail. Since it's alt tab friendly, back in the FO3 era there were some issues where Ctrl Alt Del could set the game's .exe as a high or realtime priority, which would resolve issues, though it's unknown what this would do with FNV. Given that there's water near one of the areas that were problematic you could lower water settings. Start with full scene reflections off, never wana use that an like a 1024 reflection or the basic high default setting. The rest of it is more preference on how water appears.

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I tried converting the MP3s to .wav files and it didn't work in game. I didn't get any audio coming through the radio at all, huge bummer, I was pretty sure you were on to something with that because I know that was a fix for fallout 3 radio problems, unless I did something wrong but I'm pretty sure I didn't. I would much rather play at 60 fps but I don't mind 30 so much and you're right about getting used to 30 after a while, it takes some getting used to but it isn't bad when you do. I'll follow your advice and set up texture filtering in nvidia control panel. I've tried setting priority to high, didn't do anything, same with full scene reflections.

Edited by soggywaffles0582
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Full scene just needs to be off, it will turn the water into a mirror basically an it takes too much power to run to make it worth it. Converting to .wav is two part, the actual .mp3 files, but also a .esp has to be created that changes the songs from .mp3 to .wav The game needs to know where the file is an what type it is to use it. So it's still listed as a .mp3 to the game. It's not hard to change unless it's GNR100 an that means .mp3 has to be changed 100 times to .wav, so painful. For me it's more like a video game in 30 fps or 24 fps. From what a moderator said about movies being blurry an slow but that the human brain magically is able to process it better or soak it in. I kind of feel like high frame rates are too synthetic an it seems fake like a simulated world would, too smooth, an I constantly pay attention to that instead of the image or gameplay. So for me the game feels better at low rates, feels like a video game instead of a simulated world. People get angry or defensive (trolly) for some reason if I tell them to try 24 or 30 fps, so if you do try to word it better than me. lol

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  • 3 years later...

it has nothing to do with audio, it's obviously a game engine bug, the player seems to lose collision sounds (footsteps) before it happens, consequently, the audio is not being played cause the game thinks the player is hanging in mid air, then you hear the jump sound and all FX sounds that where in the queque seem to play after the jump sound (guns, explosions, footsteps) i have had this problem ever since the game was launched, strangely Fallout 3 never did this, but games after New Vegas still have it like Skyrim, it happens there too.


i thought it was audio sync problems for years, been modding since FO3, and all this time it never clicked, but now i know it's player/terrain collision related, and it seems to do more then just delay audio, one thing that helps a lot is to make sure that no NVSE plugin is making logfiles and writing to disk while you play the game, it makes it much worse, as in, it happens way more often when disk writes occur.


also if you have mods that let you sprint or make the player move faster, it also happens more frequent.

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