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Hey i was just wondering if anyone else had put any thought into/are making/ are interested in making some sort of navy mod? I am a oblivion mod making noob but i am learning. So yeah, i would really like to see a mod where you are some sort of a mid ship man on a imperial ship hunting down pirates/mythic dawn transports or something. Something where you would get ordered to furl the sail and swab the bore/wad the shot/load the powder and ball/fire cannons and other stuff. Or even just shooting fire arrows and stuff.
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The Oblivion game engine doesn't really support vehicles well. So the mod would probably just end up with stationary ships as stage sets. Like you could have two ships along side each other and people from one trying to board the other one, but you would have to just cut to that scene. You wouldn't be able to watch one ship moving up alongside the other.


Cannons are another little problem. There aren't a lot of cannon mods out there. Oblivion does not do very well with firearms and artillery. The staff is more like a gun than the bow is.


But a mod like this would be fun to play. You might check out the various pirate mods and see if you enjoy playing them.

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