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Unknown CTD


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You probably get these threads a lot so I apologise for that. I keep getting CTD's whenever I start the game. I have no idea why, my load order is fine, I built the bashed patch and yet it still crashes. I don't have a lot of information for you, but it crashes even when I uncheck all of the mods I am using.


I fixed it. I needed to delete the ini file.

Edited by Sarolyn
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You probably get these threads a lot so I apologise for that. I keep getting CTD's whenever I start the game. I have no idea why, my load order is fine, I built the bashed patch and yet it still crashes. I don't have a lot of information for you, but it crashes even when I uncheck all of the mods I am using.


A real common cause of CTDs on startup is having an .esp enabled that depends on a .esm which is not enabled. But it's just one potential cause.


Why don't you post your actual load order?

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