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New House Mod


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Right now I'm working on a house mod for my character (which I make for all of my characters). It's still just a WIP but I have the Hall of Warriors about 90% done as of right now and the floorplan for the main building is complete (it's rather big...three stories (a small basement for storage, downstairs dining hall, upstairs main bedroom, two guest rooms and main lounge area.


The design is using the mournhold architecture but I'm adding a little Daedric flavor to fit my character's history. Here are some screens of the Hall of Warriors, notice the badass one handed sword that weighs 2000 lbs and swings really really slow. I might add an item in the game somewhere that changes the weight and swing speed.


I'm also using Sheizzaka's wonderfully textured daedric armor and the House of Mannequins, so if I were to release it you'd need those mods to run the house.


I have 5 screenshots on geocities, but since I can't directly link through this page here's the link you can copy and paste.



(there are 5 in total so to see the rest just increase the number by 1: /kalamanor2.JPG etc.)

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In reference to the weapon, your item that changes the weight might be a focus for some scripting that removes the item from inventory and adds another version that is much lighter and faster than the one placed in the world set. Upon dropping the item or weapon, the game would switch the two versions to produce the heavier one in world memory. Such a thing is done with some of the clothing scripts by Venymora, but those ones tend not to switch them back once owned.
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