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transform armor into body texture


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Dear girls and boys, women and men, ladies and gentleman, female and male warriors ;D .


First of all, english is not my native tongue so i want to apologize for any linguistic mistakes i made.


But now back to topic. I want to convert an existing armor into a body texture. The armor i want to use is the R18PN lingeries set.

Is there any way to convert it so i can use it as a body texture under my current armor?


Thanks in advance.

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yes, it is possible


look inside your Oblivion Data folder

the specific path would be Data -> Meshes -> Characters -> _Male

the upper body is defined by the femaleupperbody.nif, and the lower body is defined by the femalelowerbody.nif

so if you take the upper body model that you want to use, and rename it to femaleupperbody.nif, and place it in the appropriate path, it should replace the default upper body, and it works the same for the lower body (just rename to the lower part)

i'm not 100% sure that this would work, but i think it will, and it's worth a try

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Thanks to you, WastelandAssassin


I searched the folders for suitable files but there are millions of them. well, not millions but pretty much of them. I don't know which file i should use. Can somebody please help me.

The armor set is this one :


and the armor i'd like to use is the sheer black one in the following picture :

Picture here


The armor seams to be split in many different parts and if i open them in nifscope it alsways shows the whole armor so i don't know which part is upperbody and which one is lowerbody.

Edited by nexusplanet
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as far as i know, these armors don't come in one model, but in two models (upper and lower body), though i may be wrong


the best way to approach this is to open up the CS (construction set), load that mod in it, find the specific armor that you would like to use, and find the information you need there

first you can see if the armor uses two models or one (if i remember correctly, if the armor is just one item, it is a full model, which will mean that you'll need to separate it into two pieces in order to use it, though i may be wrong about this)

anyhow, in the armor's window you can find the specific path to the armor's model, so you'll know exactly which item to take and use


i hope this helps (though i am not so sure if you can actually use these models, as i think they are one piece models, not two piece models like you'll need)

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Ok. Don't know what i did, but it crashed my whole system. Before i had to reinstall my OS i found out that the armor bipes two body parts at once. Dont know how to break them up into two parts. Besides the CS showed a name for the armor part that is NOT in the mod folder. Is it possible that it is hidden somewhere in the ESP file?
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i really don't know what you did, but it shouldn't have caused any problems (at least i can't recall anyone reporting such problems)


as for the armor part not being in the mod, if you could be more specific as to what is missing, i would try and help you figure it out


as for breaking the armor in half, i think you can do this in NifSkope, but since i don't really have any experience with it, i can't really tell you how

however, you can probably find tutorials on how to use NifSkope, and see if it can be done, and if so, how

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I think i'll give this one up. Thanx for your help though.

I need to edit a upper- and lowerbody texture to fit an upperbody only texture. That's to much for a novice like me. I think i have to live without the always visible underwear. It won't kill me i think :biggrin:

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well, there is an alternative


there is a mod i remember, that has an auto-equipping set of underwear, so when your character undresses, you'll automatically equip the certain underwear in this mod

now, you can use it as it is (which looked quite good, if i recall correctly), or modify this mod to use the specific underwear of your choice (in fact, such a thing should be extremely easy to do, as all you need to do is change the item's mesh paths, as long as this is a one item set, not a two item set)


found the mod for you, it's called Undies Underneath

see if the effect works for you, and if the underwear is a one piece or two piece

if it is one piece, i'll be glad to tell you how to change it to use that specific underwear you chose

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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I would do this in the CS. Making the lingere set into another piece to be worn with armor. You might use the amulet or tail slot. If the clothing is one piece, this method works the best. You make the clothing into an armor, using the tail slot (or whatever). Then, you must make your bashed patch (or OBMM) enable "show amulets" when armor is equipped.


Now add the amulet armor into the game. You should be able to wear it as well as the other armors you wish. This method worked for me when using a modified mesh of samurai armor. I cut out everything but the plates in nifskope and made it into light armor, using the amulet slot. This method works well, but clips with most armors, so I only use it on nude or clothed only npc's.


I will check back when I can to see if this helped,


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