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Cant get game back to normal


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I somehow screwed something up big. I had FOMM and had a few weapon mods. Some worked some didnt, no big deal. Tried to install a type 3 body mod and thats when the problem started. The game runs but not at full screen its like cropped on the top and bottom. Not smaller but cropped so in game I cant see my health or what not. I removed the mod, didnt work, tried to verify files..still nothing. Deleted local content and reinstalled steam, still nothing. I even went so far as to remove steam and all its files, waited a day(dont know why) and reinstalled steam and all my games. Nothing I did works, I just want to get the game back to normal no mods. Im not mod or tech savy. I have windows vista if thats important at all. Please help me.
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Ok this is a classic issue of not going 1 extra step, something the software doesn't do during an uninstall. Uninstall everything 1 more time. Go to the steamapps/common/fallout 3 Dir (may differ on your system.) and delete Fallout3 and all sub folders. You will have to reinstall FOMM and Wrye etc this way. Go to your user files and delete any Fallout folders and saves you have(Check My Documents or My Games depending on OS). Restart your PC, reinstall. You may need to uninstall FOMM Wrye etc first then Fallout 3 then remove the remaining folders.
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