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Simple script help


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Okay so I have this light switch script that I got from another thread, and I used it and it works, but every time I use it, a stupid messagebox comes up. I removed the messagebox but it wont function without it. I want to be able to turn the light on and off without the messagebox. Here is my script:


scn aaLightSwitch


short button

short go


Begin OnActivate player

MessageBox "aaLightSwitchref1"

set go to 1



Begin GameMode

if go

set button to GetButtonPressed

if button == -1


elseif button == 0

if aaLightSwitchref1.GetDisabled

aaLightSwitchref1.Enable 0




elseif button == 1

if aaLightSwitchref1.GetDisabled

aalightswitchref1.Enable 0





Set Go to 0





Thanks guys :)

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The message box is actually a menu, where two of the results either switch it on or off, hence why it wont work without the menu.


To set it up such that it will alternate, try:


scn aaLightSwitch 

begin OnActivate player   
if aaLightSwitchref1.GetDisabled  
 aaLightSwitchref1.Enable 0   
activate ;This may not be needed   


If you have multiple light/switches, you may want to look into linked references and/or parents, while a bit more complicated, it can save a whole lot of time in that one script can be applied directly to multiple light switches without any modification, unlike the one above which will need the reference changed for every light.

Edited by Skevitj
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For more info you can use this tutorial which does what Skevij describes, but with more in depth information.


You can daisy chain lights and have them turn on and off at specific times and more. Some of the vanilla game light scripts can help you there as well, especially the street light scripts that turn the lights on and off at set times.


I don't really know why you'd want message boxes for light switches anyway.



Great, now I've double posted because of a browser glitch. I'll report it myself.

Edited by Maigrets
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Ahh thank you Skevij, I will try it and Maigrets I dont see a tutorial any where in that post unfortunately. Try to post the link. Also Skevij if you could teach me how to use one script for multiple lights? I have 4 lights but I can only use 1 light switch unfortunately.
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Ahh thank you Skevij, I will try it and Maigrets I dont see a tutorial any where in that post unfortunately. Try to post the link. Also Skevij if you could teach me how to use one script for multiple lights? I have 4 lights but I can only use 1 light switch unfortunately.


The link is there. I don't need to "try" and post it since my browser had an issue and double posted before I could add it, thanks all the same.


That tutorial will do what you're asking by the way. You need to use scripts to parent one switch to an other and so on for as many as you need. All will be explained if you read it thoroughly. Also, you will need the invisible mesh it mentions and there is a link in the tutorial.


EDIT: FYI...I'm a female not a Bro... :yes:

Edited by Maigrets
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The tutorial actually uses two invisible switches on top of each other, with only one enabled at a time, giving the effect of a single switch with two different states.


If you only have the one switch and a small number of lights, the easiest way to do it is just to expand on the code I posted before (unless you really want to practice and understand the contents of the tutorial, which isn't a bad thing, but can be time consuming).


scn aaLightSwitch

begin onactivate player
if aaLightSwitchref1.GetDisabled
 ;... etc, for as many lights as there are
 ;... etc, for as many lights as there are

That will determine the state of light 1 and switch all of them (including 1) to the opposite. It will work with multiple switches, but it's not a neat solution and will need to be changed if the lights are ever changed.

Edited by Skevitj
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You probably should take that last post out.


Modding consoles is illegal and even talking about it will result in your account being banned. Not my rules, but they exist for a reason


Ahh okay, it has been removed. I was not aware of that rules. Thank you for catching me.

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