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crashes all the time


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sorry about that. I am about 55 hours in, and game was perfect until about 40 hours. Now, when i load it may run for 10 mins, or 1 minute. Sometimes crashes even when loading up the saved game. Tried adding this line to the .ini file--iNumHWThreads=2---made no difference. Have searched various forums, and tried various options, still no good. Running Win 7 with 4mb memory and all drivers patched to latest ones. Have also sent various files back to Bethseda but they have been pretty unhelpful. What else can i enlighten you with? Any suggestions would be greatfully received. Cheers.
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sorry about that. I am about 55 hours in, and game was perfect until about 40 hours. Now, when i load it may run for 10 mins, or 1 minute. Sometimes crashes even when loading up the saved game. Tried adding this line to the .ini file--iNumHWThreads=2---made no difference. Have searched various forums, and tried various options, still no good. Running Win 7 with 4mb memory and all drivers patched to latest ones. Have also sent various files back to Bethseda but they have been pretty unhelpful. What else can i enlighten you with? Any suggestions would be greatfully received. Cheers.


I don't know if this will help you, but I was having the same problem. I went into my Windows 7 and disabled the compatibility crap. Check this website? Hope that helps? I did this after uninstalling both the game and Steam. and deleting all files pertaining to both. Then I reinstalled Steam and the game and put all of my mods back. So far the game hasn't crashed or locked-up upon exiting the game, like it was beforehand. :thumbsup:

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