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mods in old save file


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Hi everyone,

A little help if possible. I uninstalled dragon age a while ago, I hav just reinstalled it and my character is missing some items. I know this is because I was using mods but I'm not sure which mods :-( is there a way to find out which mods my save file was using?

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Welcome, mattsslug;


Good question. IF the mods you're talking about were installed as ".dazip" files and appeared on the "Installed Content" screen, then there SHOULD be a way to retrieve that info. They will be listed as "missing" when you try to load the save, so their names are stored somewhere in the .das!


But if they were in your "\override" folder as stand-alone mods, then you're outta' luck. :confused:

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If you use DA Modder or DA ModManager, those keep log files of the mods you've installed and uninstalled thru them.

Check out each of those programs, IF you've used them, and you can find the options for viewing the logs. I think DAM even has an option for restoring the installation, but I'm not sure of that.


The game will also tell you what's missing, when you load up a new savegame. Big warning screen telling you that "such and such is missing, do you want to force load the save?"

Tho, it won't tell you that again, if you go ahead and force load the save game, it's a one time only if you go ahead and play it out.

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