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Tundar - BANNED

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Tundar banned.




Reason for the ban

Foul mouthed opinionated insulting troll


"If she is not finished, why did you put her up on Nexus? She will not relax in my home, she just stand there like a frog on a log. There is not enough commands to at least tell her that this her new home. Unless she is a fighter for me, that all she does and she is snippy when she talks. I am the leader and those I choose to be under my command will be respectful. I don't need a voiced girl, as cute as she is, to be snapping at me and making her rude comments the way she does.


Yea, I had to delete this follower because you don't have your garbage mouthed follower wench thing in her place as a real follower. Get a real job and quit this funked up punk ass shi* ."


"ok, first, is she dead or alive? Was this a murder or suicide? Perhaps wolves took her down. Trampled by a snuffleupaguss? Maybe tripping on drugs, what did she take?

What party did she go to or was she in LA and slipped a mickey? Were there any witnesses?

Perhaps she fell off the mountain and her last words were, "Texting and walking on a mountain top really IS dangerous".

Who did this, why is she here in a strange place where a frog could jump on her face and fart? Really, some hobo could come along and take a wizz. Hey, baby, need a little action?


"Nothing but crashes. When I removed open cities .esp and .bsa the game resumed as normal. This is not a good mod. Don't really care if the doors are open or not. This mod is not worth the headache! Good luck to anyone who likes this mod. I will not endorse."




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Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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