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Could it be possible to quickly turn this into a mod?


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Basically just make it so when you enter casinos instead of taking away your weapons it would take away your ammo (minus holdout weapons, doesn't matter if some other weapons can be used). This would allow the weapon hotkeys to be kept after leaving casinos.


If this mod already exists let me know.


Edit: Alternatively it can be made so all the weapons (minus holdout) simply can't be equipped.

Edited by phipboy
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It is possible to save the hotkeys to memory so they don't get reset when you drop an item and pick it back up.


The NVSE functions GetHotkeyItem and SetHotkeyItem make this possible.


This has been done in Expanded Hotkeys.

Oh nice if that works (I was under the impression that doing this was impossible) then this is much better

Edited by phipboy
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