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on hit and power attack sounds


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Hi everyone,


I need some kind soul to explain to me how to create a working set of sound replacement files for on hit and power attack events for the player character only in game. My end goal is that I want to be able to use it for one of the vanilla races without NPC's of the designated race also using it. I already have a sound set that are in MP3 format 44100Hz, 64kb rate, mono.


I understand very little of how replacement sound files work in Oblivion. I know they can reside in a folder structure for example Oblivion/Data/Sound/Voice/oblivion.esm/high elf/f

However if they are placed in a folder like Oblivion.esm then oblivion will use them for NPC's and the player for every race of the type specified by the folder name. Also I think it will play for all elf females not just high elf's?


Is there a way to set up a folder structure that allows only the player to use a sound set for on hit and power attacks? Or do I have to create a .esp in CS to have it apply only to the character?


I suspect it has to be an .esp for the PC to use it only, if that is true, I need some help on how to get started creating the .esp in the CS. I don't have any experience using cs mind you.

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