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Ideas for Skyrim


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I have pretty high hopes for this game. They could make Oblivion all over again with some better graphics and I would play it nonstop...but if I had to say anything, I would just like the little things to be minded. Like the dynamic environments that they're probably working hard on, the ability to hunt for food that actually helps you, and just things like rain that doesn't fall straight through the ceilings of stables. The little things matter and I think the devs know that.



I sooooo want Skyrim to be much more challenging than Oblivion was---everytime i encountered a bandit or sum other enemy i had no doubt in my mind i wud fk him up real bad---but wheres the fun in that? i dont always like being the stronger one in a battle and from time to time i enjoy a real good challenge that takes skill---also, i wud lovveee if Skyrim was more of a survival game with weather, injuries, etc. affecting ur well-being.


You're absolutely right. Oblivion was way too easy in the end, even on the hardest difficulty. I also want the world to be affected by my accomplishments, though. I feel like I was the Madgod, Champion of Cyrodiil, religious savior, Gray Fox, Arch Mage, Master of the Fighter's Guild, and Grand Champion of the Arena, but never got much renown at all. Which I suppose goes along with Aldarion Thorondir's point of wanting to actually LIVE in Skyrim.

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Well, we save the world from a terrible threat BUT...it's a secret. It is true that in the end it became boring...you're the boss, you kill everyone. I could have seen a Balrog just in front of me I would have thought "Okay, let's spice it up ! No spells !". As you said it, I'd love it if the world was affected by my accomplishments...That's actually a thing I liked in Fable :)
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I want celtic-nordic music, I want mini games (gambling, drinking, fighting, etc). In medieval times the public house was the center of activity in the village. In Oblivion, they were boring and static. No music. No real effect of consuming alcohol. Nothing of interest to do except rent a room.


You should take ideas from The Witcher on how to do this right.

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Guys imagine this : Your character starts out the game chained to a wall and you feel weak...u feel like u were just born as you remember nothing from your past...to your side is a woman crying in pain...she claims to have known you since you were both young and were the closest of friends, and to her amazement u do not recognize her at all as the cries out to you...a mysterious man enters the room from the shadows and shoves a dagger into her chest, killing her instantly: he starts laughing wickedly as he walks toward you...he says "Yesss......ive finally..found you...you probably wonder why you are here i presume....why ive killed this beautiful woman and now have started talking to you....well, the least i could do is fill you in before i end your life....young Dovahkiin...the great and mighty hunter of the greatest beast to have ever roamed these lands....the dragon....you alone possess the power to protect the people of Skyrim from these evil spirits...and you are here because you must die now.
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You....the last of the dragon hunters....must die so that my people may rule the land...*u notice that his face becomes scaly and his eyes become great balls of fire as he shoves his dagger into your heart.....*blacking out and you hear fading laughter as he vanishes into the shadow*.....u feel as though you have now entered a sort of purgatory....you hear a great voice that tells you who you are and what purpose you very soul is obligated to fulfill...you are reborn into your body as you would like to look (charcater customization sequence) and wake up still chained to the wall--you siummon your newfound godly strength to violently rip the chains off of the wall and you blast through the room killing all that stand in your way as you escape the area.....you remember your past.....the woman was your fiance/girlfriend....you vividly remember your killer..you are determined to find him and kill him.....>:O
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Hmm. Maybe the ability to actually have children in the game? They wouldn't be companions, but potentially have a partner and have a child?


As well as the ability to actually craft enchanted weapons, like certain materials used when mixed to make certain special alloys could be enchanted during smelting (ever read The Armourer's Challenge in Oblivion as a prerequisite to get the Armourer Master Training?). Maybe even customise weaponry? Like use certain kinds of materials for the fletching of the arrows you use, certain designs for the arrows to do certain things?


I really hope there is a more detailed enchanting system, and make it more difficult as well, same with Spellcrafting. o 3o;

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Hmm. Maybe the ability to actually have children in the game? They wouldn't be companions, but potentially have a partner and have a child?


Right, imagine playing a female character, getting knocked up and having to go through pregnancy and childbirth. The game would have course lower your skills and stats accordingly, I imagine it'd be somewhat difficult to fight dragons when you're nine months pregnant.


While they're at it they should put some outhouses in the game, those facilities were somehow missing in both Morrowind and Oblivion.

Edited by GenocideLolita
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