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Alchemy Perk Tree Reform


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I've looked around on Nexus and SteamCommunity and I've seen complete reworks of the alchemy system, but no mods that change the alchemy perk tree alone. Other features are always added on, making the mods more complicated and less appealing, like also changing all the ingredients to a degree as well. I can speak for myself and others when I say I'd just like a simple alchemy perk tree mod that doesn't try to retool the ingredients as well. And because we have no skill in modding or have no clue how to do it, we're making this request to you, the professionals.


With regards to the new tree, a three-branch system would probably make the most sense:

1: Potion Branch: these perks would be Physician and Benefactor, focusing on the beneficial aspects of alchemy. A new perk that could be added and would make sense would be one providing Disease Resistance.

2: Poison Branch: consists of perks like Poisoner, Concentrated Poison, and Snakeblood, with Concentrated Poison being given higher tiers so that more targets can be hit by the poison. This would be extremely favorable to archers like myself who wish we could apply our custom poison to our arrows and would simulate that feel.

3: Practical Branch: Green Thumb and Experimenter perks fall under this branch, but with the obvious request of lowering their level requirements and adding tiers to Green Thumb for additional ingredients. This could also be there a new perk extending duration of potions/poisons can be added, making them last longer where perks in the other branches simple make them stronger.


Regarding the Purity Perk, having it be something that can be toggled on or off would be nice, but having it replaced/removed entirely might be best as it's a pretty worthless perk. Replaced is preferred and what it might end up as, I can't think of, but I'm sure the professional modder will make appropriate.


Thank you to any modder who takes on this request, and anyone who decides to comment and/or add suggestions. If you do make this type of mod, please post a link or add an address to where we can download it so we can acquire, enjoy, and endorse your mod. Thank you again.

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