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Where Are The Ghoul Children ?


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Ok so 1 year later, still No ghoul child to be Seen any where, Whats up with that, I know I f I remove said things, No game work y Lol So some body seen a ghoul child, I wanna know? Tulip's Dialog in game suggest's thats not possible any way, so it would mean the children are reminiscent of the early war right? There's got to be some one with that tidbit of info?
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Ok, a normal child, I know that! But the code I am referring too is contained with in the fallout 3.esm, in the races section. Not an add on mod. Add on mods the effect races are created from the default game data Hence ghoul children, But none exist so far, I have removed the data in the races section Both in the OEM file, game crashed, So I remove the data in add on esp, Game crashy again. Ok new stuff installeed and add on's install, Merged patch created, in the races section fo3 editor creates the races issues again, Meaning there is erroneous data there, Other wise, it would NOT be placed into the patch file in the first place. Again I remove the references to the ghoul Children and again the game crashes So where the heck are they?
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IIRC, it's well established in Fallout cannon that it takes many years to become a ghoul and they are infertile. (Radiation will make you infertile long before it kills you.)


A normal child grows up before they can become a ghoul.



That's not quite true. Ghouls are "meant" to take time in becoming ghouls. But Moira became one instantly?

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It's not possible for ghouls to have children. But it should be possible for a child to become a ghoul. I think it just wasn't implemented for the same reason that all children in the game are unkillable: Legal issues with violence and death applied to children. It's illegal for a child to be shown dying even if it's fictional. I'm guessing the lack of ghoulified children is related to that. Bethesda planned a lot more for children than what they were allowed. For example, there's actually unused dialogue in the game for children spouting battle lines.
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Cyberweasel89 http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_images/Dark/user_popup.png Now that Makes a greater deal of sense since I have seen something similar eslewhere on the net, ya know, I'm getting old and I forgot about that,I think the artical was for this game but not PC, rather PS3 section. Man I was looking at the code too much thinking there was something missing, Now that you've rocked my cradle, there is a lot of code not being implimented in the PC verson, even though it's there. Hmmm Thanks Now I think I'll drop this subject for a while.

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"It's illegal for a child to be shown dying even if it's fictional. I'm guessing the lack of ghoulified children is related to that."


A bit late to this, but I don't know where in the world that would be illegal; poor taste maybe, but not illegal. Note that Deus Ex (along with other games) had various killable children in it..


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