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Leveling Mod problems


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Hello everyone!


I have my own conceivabilities what Leveling in a single playergame looks like, which in the case of Fallout 3 means I need 6 Tagskills with less bonus.


I found the SetTagSkills-command in the vault101ExitScript, but also want to change the SetTagSkills [iAddedPoints] during the Future Imperfect!-quest and preferably also the automatic setting during GOAT, but I'll look into that later.


Thing is I cannot find the right script, where it says SetTagSkills during the quest. Please help.


Thanks in advance!



edit: this is the only part of my mod that is not done yeat, and I don't want to force the player to use the exitscript to get these points he otherwise will be missing.

Edited by Guest
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