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Necromancy Cloak Spell


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I'm thinking a mod that adds a cloak style spell (like frost/storm/fire cloak) that reanimates dead NPC's in their immediate area. Fire and forget, kill your enemies, and reanimate them quickly without having to switch to a new spell to do so. The idea being that the Necromancer's aura reanimates the dead near him/her.

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I'm thinking a mod that adds a cloak style spell (like frost/storm/fire cloak) that reanimates dead NPC's in their immediate area. Fire and forget, kill your enemies, and reanimate them quickly without having to switch to a new spell to do so. The idea being that the Necromancer's aura reanimates the dead near him/her.


Hey I'm new at CK, but I've been playing around for a few hours trying to make the spell. I'll let you know soon if I figure it out

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