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The Beggar's Curse


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I got this idea from Cyanide and Happiness, actually.

Upon initiating conversation with a beggar for the first time, if you didn't give them a gold piece, a new quest would start. All items would be removed from your inventory, including gold, spells, shouts, everything except your body. Any racial bonuses stay, of course. All of your skills be reset to 1 and your level set to 100 (can be tweaked in MCM menu, no less than 25), and your stats are all reset to 100 (health, stamina, magicka) The you are either transported into a custom Wilderness cell, or into the most desolate part of Skyrim. You then must find civilization. You can try to steal things, kill people, but if you get caught by the guards you go to jail and the whole thing is restarted. You have specific tasks, such as having to find food like dead animals. The custom Wilderness cell would have things like 'sticks' and 'thick vines' and 'flint' under moveable rocks so you could make a crappy bow to hunt with. You cannot wait, and for the first three days you are forced to stay awake. The next day you are forced to sleep but then awake by a bear attack, which you must fend off with any weapons you can find, there is a convenient 'thick branch' lying around and you kill the bear. The next three days you build shelter, and then a smoke signal fire.

Week one over, an Imperial ranger/Stormcloak ranger/Thalmor ranger (dependent upon where you chose for Civil War, randomly chosen if hasn't started) finds you. They guide you over 3 days back to Skyrim, where they are disabled several times and you must find 'resources' to heal them. You finally arrive in Riften and are forced into the Thieves guild (if that quest is already completed it starts over), but then you get caught and are forced into jail. The ranger breaks you out and takes you to Whiterun, where the ranger tells you he has to run 'errands' and tells you to sit by the tree in the center of Whiterun. You can choose to be a beggar, initiating conversation with passers, with 'spare a coin', you get 1 gold per person. Random event: a guard stops you from begging at a random point through. When the guard shows up, the ranger is wearing a Whiterun guard outfit and says he is 'taking over' and brings you out of Whiterun. You then travel to the rest of the nine holds, and perform tasks for the beggars there like the Dibella statue in Markarth for Degaine. Once all 9 hold have been completed, the ranger then reveals himself to be a Daedric prince, Sanguine, and you get all of your stuff back, including spells, and skills, and everything else.

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