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Fallout New Vegas ft. The Capital Wasteland


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Yes; yes; yes; no; yes with some work. It is the same engine as FNV, so it will have the same problem with LOD. In general FO3 mods can be made to work with FNV; in some cases the only change needed is to add FO3.esm as a master and this would not be needed. But in general FO3 mods may need some additional "porting" or changes to work with the FNV engine.
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That's not what he's asking...

He's asking if their kludge of fo3 into NV preserves all of these things.

I have accomplished it via a different (better :)) method. I can load both in geck and make valid plugins between them. I asked Dark0ne if I could post my instructions but haven't heard back yet, so I guess he's thinking about it, which I understand.

So I can't speak for these guys, but for me:


Do NPC conversations work properly? yes!

Does the voice acting work? mostly!

Do quests function? yes!

Will it have working LOD? yes!


Would fallout 3 quest mods work? No :(, no DLCs either. I'm working on it, when I have time.

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He's asking if their kludge of fo3 into NV preserves all of these things.

Yes, I understand that. Your answers are mostly the same as mine, but it sounds like you have more experience.


Are there cases where voice acting fails to work? What would cause that?


How can LOD updating work using the FNV engine when it doesn't work for FNV by itself?


Why should it be impossible to port a FO3 quest mod into the merged thing? It is possible to port a FO3 quest mod into FNV, by doing a little work.

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He's asking if their kludge of fo3 into NV preserves all of these things.

Yes, I understand that. Your answers are mostly the same as mine, but it sounds like you have more experience.


Are there cases where voice acting fails to work? What would cause that?

Dunno yet. I don't hardly ever play with sound so I haven't looked into it. I assume some conflict between what's in the fo3 bsas and the NV bsas, maybe voice type, or something like that.

How can LOD updating work using the FNV engine when it doesn't work for FNV by itself?

I don't know that LOD gen doesnt' work for NV, I have never tried it. It worked with FO3 if you were patient enough.

Doesn't really apply here, since the LOD has already been generated for FO3. It's in the fallout - misc.bsa. You just extract it, voila, you have CW LOD.

Why should it be impossible to port a FO3 quest mod into the merged thing? It is possible to port a FO3 quest mod into FNV, by doing a little work.

Never said it was impossible :)

But (at least with my method) fo3 mods and DLCs don't work "out of the box". Even simple mods, like removing karma checks from recruiting followers (btw, followers do work and even get the companion wheel), have to have some manual intervention, and it is quicker to just recreate it from scratch. Bigger ones obviously are harder and not realistic to recreate from scratch. I'm fairly confident I can fix it but it's not there yet.

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Thanks for the updates, it seems we agree. You have found that some voices don't work. If the OP question was about whether *creating new* LOD would work, there are many threads here which say creating new LOD is not possible for FNV. If the OP question was whether the existing LOD will be displayed, I guess the answer is yes.
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Sounds good.

The LOD is a big one. The video looked nasty without it. I look forward to exploring the underground again, with FNV weapons!

I hope we can get patches made for the FO3 DLC, that would be neat.

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The engine checks the license of FNV only. You "should not need" your FO3 disk. Of course the mod expects that you own a legal copy of both FNV and FO3, which it sounds like you do.


In other words, I just copy over the data to the steamapps folder and we're fine?


Btw: My actual problem was not the fact I'd require the cd(you don't need to with fose) but that I didn't know if it checked for a steam license or not. Since it doesn't check according to you, I can just copy my data and be happy.

Edited by devilpengui
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