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Fallout New Vegas ft. The Capital Wasteland


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Any news or update on the mod? Last I heard, it won't be hosted at this site, and will be at *not allowed*, which I don't have a problem with since I have an approved account.
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Which is the starting map? And what about the plot hole that would cause in the other map?


While I believe the Lone Wanderer will show up in New Vegas and get a job as The Courier, I do not believe the Courier will go to DC magically become a baby then grow up all over again and leave the vault. Nor do I believe that the Courier will start looking for someone else's dadtdy who can longer tell the difference between his daughter and a total stranger.


It seems to me you are walking in to a mine field of plot holes. Do you intend on addressing these issues or just make it so you can zoom over to the other map and ignore them?


Optimally you would begin in the capitol wasteland, for plot reasons that makes sense, then at some point, either find a train in the mounains to the west, or complete the main plot and/or broken steel then the train becomes available. This now creates more problems, namely the level cap, with such a huge map either the experience should come not so quickly or increase the level cap by combining the perks of both games.


Although that problem is not as serious as the problem of the FO3 /NV main quest continuity issues.

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