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Major Stability Issues


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For no apparent reason whatsoever, I have recently run into some odd bugs in my game. On a fairly regular basis, upon entering/teleporting to a cell, random missing texture errors appear, some textures ( particularly those added by Anthony Ling's Finer Things and other mod-added clothing ) appear fluorescent purple, menus will not open ( the wait command has no effect, pressing "escape" does nothing, attempts to fast travel cause the cursor to disappear instead of pulling up a confirmation dialog ) containers do not work (Any animation/sounds play, but no inventory menu is shown) , attempts to talk with characters have no effect, and the game occasionally crashes for no apparent reason. I am running the newest version of FOSE and have patched to 1.7. My load order is attached in a text file and I am using a custom merged patch and master update. I am running Fallout on a Toshiba Laptop with 4GB of RAM , an AMD Turion II and an ATI Mobility 4200 HD graphics processor. I honestly have no idea what could possibly be the issue with my game, as both FO3Edit and BOSS have failed to discover any conflicts with my current mod order. Does anyone have any suggestions or see the problem here?


Edit: Because I know this looks like a block of text, I'm condensing the major facts into a list.

What's Going Wrong

1. Random Missing Textures

2. Massive Instability in some cells

3. Containers, menus (pause menu, and dialog fail to work in some cells

What I know

1. I am running the newest versions of Fallout and FOSE

2. I have all the DLC

3. My computer meets minspecs for FO3

4. I'm running on Windows 7 x64 and am using a no-cd exe for Fallout 3 (No, I didn't pirate the game. I just don't like having to carry disks around with me in case they get scratched)

5. I've created a merged patch and have used master update.

6. FO3Edit and OBSE have not found any conflicts in load order.

7. I don't especially want to comb through every single mod by hand to find the cause of the error, but I am willing to try any suggestions regarding the deletion/reordering/adding of mods.

Edited by MrPhantom31
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