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how to convert skin from oblivion for skyrim ?


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I'm assuming it's a body texture? Converting any texture to any body is pretty much the same, you open up a copy of the texture for the body that you're converting to, and a copy of the texture that you want to convert. You then attempt to match the one to the other, this will likely require cutting bits off of the texture you're converting from and then copying them onto the same area of the texture you're converting to in a separate layer. Once you've got them all where you want them you would then need to merge the layers together and then finally attempt to smooth out any transitions to create as seamless a match as possible.


Requires extensive use of a good image editing program but if you have one and are familiar with it even the most novice can do a pretty passable job.

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hey ! thanks for reply... My idea is making more oblivion like dremora race , since i find skyrim dremoras more like tattooed dunmer race lol anyway, i will try that but im not sure if its possible to do it seamless with that method , is there anyone willing to help ?

this is the skin from oblivion for dremora btw http://static-8.nexusmods.com/15/mods/101/images/34642-2-1284601590.jpg

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