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Need help : weird custom paintings


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hello community


For those who already know me, you know about my english. for all the others - english is not my native language so please overlook some mistakes here and there :whistling:


I got the following problem :


I want to add some custom paintings to special locations like the frostcrag tower or the cheyinhal residence. I want them to be bigger than the ordinary paintings and showing some of my favourite pictures of course.

Stretching the meshes of some stock pictures went well and i was able to add them into the CS but i'm not able to get the textures imported yet. I placed one of the pictures in bravil mages quild for testing purposes and all it shows is a plain purple surface. Looks not as beautiful as it was intended to (see attachments for screenshot).


The frame size (without the wooden frame - just the area that holds the image) is 256px wide and 390px high. same dimensions for the image-texture. I tried saving the texture in tga and dds format with dxt1, dxt3, dxt5 and dxt1 without alpha settings. i tried creating the tga file - that was converted into dds file later - with irfanview and gimp and now i'm running out of ideas.


Hope someone of you can held me.


BTW : the same problem appears if i don't modify the meshes and use a 128x256 texture



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I replaced textures everytime i altered them just to make sure they are really replaced.


I didn't make a normal map for the textures and it appeas that was the crucial point. Now i found a plugin for gimp that creates the normal maps for me.


Problem solved! Thanks a lot WastelandAssassin

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This is getting worse every day. Today i was going to place the paintings within Frostcrag Tower but everytime i click the save button CS crashes to desktop. I also tried loading the original frostcrag.esp, leave it untouched and save it with a new name. Same problem -> CS crashes.


Things i already tired :


1) I deleted CS, downloaded and installed the CS 1.2.404 from tesnexus.com -> same problem

2) I deleted CS, cleaned up registry entries, reinstalled CS -> same problem

3) tried running CS as administrator -> same problem

4) tried running CS with Windows XP compatibility mode -> as you may guess ... same problem

5) tried running CS within virtual Windows XP -> crashed on loading CS


My system :

- AMD athlon x2 240 (2 x 2.8 Ghz)


- Windows 7 Pro x64

- GeForce GT 220 graphics adapter


I'm running out of options. Could it be that it is because Frostcrag Tower is a KotN file?


Edit :


6) installed Unofficial DLC Knights of Nine-ESP Patch v1.0.2 -> same problem


Edit 2 :


!!! Solved !!!


Creating a new Plugin out of the box and merging this one with Frostcrag Tower solved the problem.

Edited by nexusplanet
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