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Dead Money crash?!?


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Perhaps it's an interaction object?


It's not that either, I even searched for something like that, but still nothing. I'm guessing it's a bug or something since nothing else works either... I might create a new game if I want to and try it again, see what happens. I'm still open for suggestions on how to solve this though.

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I was able to reload a previous save to get dead money to work. Let me be clear! It is a mod that is causing dead money to crash. I did what others did and created a "clean save" but that did not help. I went back far enough to find that Project Nevada was causing the crash. At least on my machine. I loaded a save that was using the following load order:


[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] FOOK - New Vegas.esm

[X] Lings.esm

[X] FOOK - New Vegas.esp

[X] FOOK - Lings.esp

[X] UHNV.esp

[X] PerkEveryLevel.esp


I exported this from fomm's save manager. Now I am playing dead money fine!

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For all the people saying its mods, Im here to tell you all im pretty certain its not ...

I was playing NV fine, i think the game crashed all of two or three times in my 24 levels of playing, Or pretty much 50+ hours. I entered the sierra and it seemed to worked fine too, up untill i found the ghoul follower.


Once i left the residential area and entered the Medical center area, and started encountering constant crashing. Cant seem to do anything, Walking causes crashes, Opening doors causes crashes, Opening storages boxes, picking up loot, firing a gun even. Im getting maybe 5 minutes of play before something causes a crash, or a lock up.


Now, the only mods im using are 1, A desert eagle mod and a 2, a UMP mod, to which "neither" of these are available in the Dead Money area, I dont have any other mods running at the moment, not even NVSE. because i wanted to complete the game modless (Or pretty much modless) Im wondering if its a bug from Dean Domino, Or as a few people have stated playing a female character.


Whatever itis, i hope its fixed soon, I cant even play now. Im going to try loading from an earlier point, so ill let you all know if that seems to fix it.

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  • 4 months later...

Despite this being a necro of a few months it might be worthwhile to know for other people having the 'crash through del north/south' areas that it is a save corruption problem. Reverting to a 'safe' save seems to allow you to continue on.


Save corruption can also be triggered by using mods which allow you to create "new" items via the workbench, including new DLC. Do not use the workbench in the main area.

Edited by Mashiki
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I found a FIX for this. 8)


I installed Lonesome Roads and entered the Divide and came back out. Now I could start both Dead Money and Honest Hearts, which were both crashing after initiating the main quest. I tested this with both DLC.


( enter the the area that starts the main quest for Lonesome Roads DLC and come back out. Then go back to Father E for Honest Hearts or Abandoned S0S Bunker for Dead Money and you will get the cutscene and DLC started)


Also note I just got finished completing Lonely Blue Eyes DLC, so I'm guessing it had something to do with that.




Hope this fix works for others. Let me know if it does.

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Sorry to bump an old thread, but on the off chance that didn't solve it for anyone else:
I was having this same problem. Crashing upon launching any dlc, no mods installed. I had, however, installed a ton of mods a long time ago, and had uninstalled the game after realizing my dlc didn't work. Figured removing the dlc would probably fix it, but I didn't really want to mess with it. Upon reinstalling the game completely vanilla, I was still having the crashes.

In MY case, this was due to the fact that I hadn't safely returned the timescale values to default before reinstalling the game sans mods. Apparently this changes something in the save file.
To "clean" my save file, all I had to do was reinstall the Imp's AdjustedTimeScale mod and make sure my values were default (I think just reinstalling the mod defaulted the values).

I'm playing Honest Hearts now.

Edited by GamerJayC
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I completely forgot about this topic, until I had an email alert for a new post. So this is just to say that setting the timescale back to default (20) has fixed all the crashing I was getting at various points, for all the DLC. I usually run a timescale of 2 which, I found out some time ago, was the cause of the crashing for me. Now, before a triggered event or conversation when entering a DLC, I reset to 20, trigger and complete the event, then reset to 2 again. Problem solved.


Oh! perhaps I should mention that I have about 90 mods installed and use Project Nevada to adjust the timescale.

Edited by bladerunner900
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