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CTD seconds after loading save.


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Okay, over the last week I have not had access to my computer, and when I got back, I DL'ed a couple of mods, nothing big. Upon loading the game, I find that I am able to load save files, with the following conditions following:

1. If I stay still, I can wait about 5 seconds, then CTD.

2. If i open the pipboy / readius, I am fine. When I close it, 5 seconds, CTD.

3. I can open the console, when I close it, 5 seconds, CTD.


A. My computer is fully able to run NV.

B. I tried this with and without NVSE, versions 1b6 and 1b7.

C. I have no proof that I have NV updated to Being a new user of Steam, I have left settings as they are, which, I surmise, includes auto-update.

D. I have no proof that before the update, my game wasn't crashing.

E. I have done a clean sweep, w/o mods, Still CTD.

F. The only mods I can recall (My computer is, once again, unavailable for a little while.) that edit any FONV filles would be: NV Readius and Robert's Male Body (Uninstalled files, though it might have changed something.)

G. I don't believe that it is a mod conflict, as all of the ones I installed before checking last, I have done a run without, and it still crashed.

H. After installing NVSE 1b7, the 5 second duration before CTD, has turned into 1 second, then freeze for 2 seconds, then CTD.

I. I will update this information ASAP, (Comp. available later today), as I did a run w/o any mods, and I believe it still crashed (Will verify, as I said, ASAP)



I completely believe this problem to be of my own doing (I have a knack for f***ing up such things), but I am just asking for anyone who can help, to offer their opinion on my situation. :confused:

(P.S. I read through the first 38 pages of the NV forums trying to find a similar problem. No luck, otherwise I wouldn't be bothering you.)



Tl;Dr version: HELP! CTD! :wallbash:

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Problem fixed. Archive Inv. error to begin with, but main problem was a mod conflict. The wierd thing was is that it was a mod I have had for a month. App. the new game code conflicted with it. Wierd thing, it was minor.
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I've noticed small errors in the Readius mod, but nothing to the degree of crashing.

One of the two mods was corrupted - my fault.

The other was a mod that adds more magazines to the wasteland, b/c apparently the placements were coded in an improper way. It also, possibly, was interfering with other mods.

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