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Highwaymen: What's going on?


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  • My intention from the beginning has been that the guy who runs the HQ isn't actually the guy in charge of the whole operation, and that his identity will remain unknown to the Player until such time as the quest addition is unlocked, and even then not for a time afterward.




  • What mod(s) are you using to change the bandits?




  • Keep in mind that this isn't a sure part of this mod. I'm actually working with someone else on a full-fledged prostitution mod that, when finished, would be incompatible with what I mentioned, but which could be very easily configured, without changing this mod in any way to add a way to bribe any of the NPCs (or even the random ones) with sexual favors in turn for a temporarily-heightened disposition (giving you time to high-tail it out of Dodge). It will, assuming we ever get it finished, allow the player to tailor any named NPC in the game in ways that no other mod that has attempted to introduce prostitution into the game can do.
    If you want Count Marius Caro to be gay and prefer Argonians over all other races, then he'll be gay and have a "thing" for lizards. The mod won't even require your character to be a "professional". Any PC will be able to proposition any NPC for either money or certain types of favors ... not that success is guaranteed, you understand. I think that will probably be the best way to implement this, since it would be simple to make the conditional bribe for a Highwayman to include Moon Sugar as well as, or instead of, money.
    At any rate, it's not as simple as making a Highwayman have a % chance to be gay or straight, or somewhere in-between. Every one will have a unique AI and dialog package, just like any other named NPC in the game, so once the mod is loaded up you have to run with what's there. Their personalities will be hard-coded into their AI packages and scripts. This means there's no way I can make everyone happy about this little detail. Perhaps it will be better to just wait until we release the prostitution mod, then people could run them together.

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...What mod(s) are you using to change the bandits?...


My own private one, using the clutter weapon nif's from Farmers Strike Back (or maybe MALO, can't remember). There isn't many bandits so it didn't take much effort.


edit. Here's a dodgey screen of the Vilverin crew. Poor buggers don't realise how outclassed they are.







Edited by wetblanket
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Heheh ... the "Vilverin crew" gave me a royal spanking the first time I ventured there right out of the sewers. I managed to liberate the two bandits outside of their lifeforces and belongings, spent some time healing up, only to get waylaid by the mage who sometimes pops up, but I managed to (barely) get through him. I really wanted to go through that door. So, I did. And I died. Three times trying to kill the bandits in the first chamber. That's when I gave up and started just wandering around the island looking for easy pickings. Believe me, for a noob at first level and wearing "rough leather armor" those bandits are quite a challenge.


Now, armed with farm implements ... I think I might have been able to handle them.

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