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SOG Seal Knife


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Hey guys, yesterday I was playing Battlefield 4 and found the Seal Knife, and it looked pretty sweet so I was wondering if anyone would care to make it in Fallout. I thought it would be a nice addition, and hopefully not too hard to make, here's a couple of images.




Edited by Bombly
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey bud' since you are new here ill be kind! There are certainly a numbers of people capable to make it , and to make it perfect.
But its not so may of them that takes requests. why? well most of them are working on bigger projects like "the frontier" and "PB" and such.


But hey! give them some time, and some faith. I'm sure someone of the awesome modders will look into your request. It will just take some time :smile:

Edited by Ryuukage0101
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I'm hoping to add a BUNCH of new knives to the game, but I'm still really developing my mesh skills, so it'll be some time. The seal pup was definitely one of the knives included in my list.

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