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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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@Sersay: Of all the dragons you listed the only one I've never heard of is Scourge of Nightmare. Is it a mesh based on Akatosh or a custom one? I like ^^ And in that screenshot Nazagear looks totally hilarious XDD "from right to left... black dragon, black dragon, black dragon aaand OMG ORANGE xDD" He looks like a cartoon dragon next to the others <3 That's qhy I rarely use him, the mesh might be awesome but the color O.o And recoloring him doesn't really look good.



@ ahrimangame: For what it's worth (and if you are still interested in dragons) LethrBlaka is easy to find via Google. Took me 2 minutes tops.

I have no idea what Scourge of Nightmare is based off of. I think it is Akatosh. Its also known as Frostwyrm btw. As for Nazagear...yeah he stands out thats for sure. Though I tried to do a silver/grey retext of him, Its still kinda stand out though...



Oh yes and he should have LethrBlaka by now. :thumbsup:

Edited by Sersay
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Oh my god that is embarassing, because I actually HAVE Frostwyrm. I didn't see the front legs. That should have been a dead giveaway. >.<
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Oh my god that is embarassing, because I actually HAVE Frostwyrm. I didn't see the front legs. That should have been a dead giveaway. >.<

Ooops! Sorry for the confusion! I just call it Scourge of Nightmare since that seems to be its name in game. :laugh:

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It is? I had no idea. Maybe that's because the poor thing is sitting in my SaidenStorm creature folder all by his lonely self. I have not used him yet XD
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@sersay & chakaru11

thanx a lot for ur infos and tips, but still both of u need to search more :P

one of persons who have some of that amazing ancient_law dragons is victoriag she got them from ancient_law him self, thats why im asking around still! but u are right about the part that maybe i never get them, and sadly i have accepted it! u know the hard part is that there is a lot of amazing ripped modes ancient_law have and i cant get even 1 of it xD, though some ppl have multi modes of him lol


anyway can anyone recolor frostwyrm to some more undead color instead of blue plz?! something like skeleton color or dead body color! blue is kinda ugly on him thanx :)

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Of corse Vicky has them, she has had them for a very long time. Those dragons are in many, MANY of her screenshots. I think everybody on the Nexus knows that O.o So there is no need for us to "search more" xD Sorry if that is not big news :P

The mod detectives thread is mostly here to help you find things, not to point fingers at another member and telling you "She has what you are searching for, ask her!" It's not gonna happen.



And about Nezagaxa, which is most likely the dragon you are searching for... forget it. ancient_laws made it as a gift for a few friends who all promised not so share it. So if they do not give it to you they are just keeping that promise and you should back off.

Edited by chakaru11
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That's the "airy lily" outfit, it's part of the newest update of the Tona Mod store. Here you go: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29090 Edited by chakaru11
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@ chakaru11

why u put words in my mouth? -.-

i didnt force anyone to give them to me i just said ancient_law DID give some of his work to some ppl, so its not impossible to gain them, and u said no one have them

and i didnt said point the member i said some ppl DO have them...

but looks like i should really give up on them :/

better i make my self believe i never ever saw them xD

i remember same thing happens to me once about some beautiful wings :P

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I didn't mean toput words in your mouth. English is not my native tongue so maybe it came out wrong. What I meant was: just in case you ask Vicky, she might say no. I was just telling you the reason why.

It's just that so many people have already asked about Nezagaxa and the other dragons in this thread and you might have found out about that by just searching for the word "dragon" in this thread. Those dragons are pretty much off limits and have always been :)

Edited by chakaru11
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