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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Hi, new to game and would like to try the mod called "Life" which was reviewed on a site I saw as part of a links list. Like ao many links on the big link lists, the link was no longer good, and while I have been able to find many files here and elsewhere which have the word "life" in the title, they are entirely different mods.


I am guessing that the mod may have vanished forever when the original linked site went under, but if someone can find it archived elsewhere, I'd be thrilled.

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Hi, new to game and would like to try the mod called "Life" which was reviewed on a site I saw as part of a links list. Like ao many links on the big link lists, the link was no longer good, and while I have been able to find many files here and elsewhere which have the word "life" in the title, they are entirely different mods.


I am guessing that the mod may have vanished forever when the original linked site went under, but if someone can find it archived elsewhere, I'd be thrilled.

What did this mod do, exactly? That can help us find it better.

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Do anyone know any expression/emotion control mods other then the actors in emotion to achieve expression such as this:

My link

My link

Thanks in advance



I suppose you want something like this?

If so, there is a bad news and a good news. Good news: it exists and it's called Ct_addpose Ordinary or something like that. I have it in a pose pack but the creator of this would strangle me if I shared it.

Bad news: Each pose has its different face expression. The expressions are not a different package.

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If you want the black retexture from the image you linked, try asking the author for the texture files nicely. Perhaps they'll share. If not, try to recolor the textures yourself in GIMP or photoshop. I work on that wolf's textures myself from time to time for practice.


Actually, that recolor was done by me xD I sent it to Trebor. But the entire thing is totally easy to recolor, just open the textures in any picture editing program that supports the DDS format and set it to b/w. A little bit of fine tuning and your done.

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If you want the black retexture from the image you linked, try asking the author for the texture files nicely. Perhaps they'll share. If not, try to recolor the textures yourself in GIMP or photoshop. I work on that wolf's textures myself from time to time for practice.


Actually, that recolor was done by me xD I sent it to Trebor. But the entire thing is totally easy to recolor, just open the textures in any picture editing program that supports the DDS format and set it to b/w. A little bit of fine tuning and your done.

....I have not even considerd setting it to black and white. -writes that tip down- Well, i'v recolored it using many other methods so, practice is practice and practice is good! :thumbsup: Im gona have to try that strategy with some of AL's other stuff though >_>

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