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I know i saw a mod that alters the way you cast spells on yourself, but I can't seem to find it. Help



Do you mean in terms of the animation that plays when you cast the spell?


If so, this one changes the cast animation to a finger snap:




There is also one that changes the third-person cast animation. Search "Spell Singer".

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Leenysaurus I got what your druid needs!


"Clothing, armor, and weapons for Nymphs, Dryads, Druids, or any other nature-themed character."


But you need Team FF body:



The first link is broken. T_T



Apparently the uploader deleted his files. What a shame!

Excuse me for this disagreement :blush: .

I hope he will upload it again later.

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I remember having one of these before i uninstalled oblivion but now im back and cant find one :P


Its a house mod that is suitable for a hunter type character, just a typical average small house that wasnt like some huge mansion. It was just small enough for the lifestyle of my character. It also made you have to pay for it, not a fan of free homes lol


if anyone knows of one like this then id appreciate it!



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