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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Whilethere are alot of beautyfulwings out there, Iam lookingfor one or two in particular. I've seen a couple youtubefilms in thepast with fluttering wings that act the same as chins demon wings, except they were a set of butterfly wings and a set of feathered wings. When you jumped the flapped or fluttered.


I saw them about a year ago, so I have no idea whatmod they were from or who made them.


I have tried a few from here, but none that I have tried so far actually move.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Do you know DUNEterra ? I think it's here http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...9179&st=310


I've downloaded it one day ( 270Mo .exe ) but i never arrived to play to it, and it gived a bug to WryeBash when i tried to delete some spells from my savegame !


Is it playable ? I know the project is abandonned for one year.


I post in this topic because i don't find infos on this mod, but i've ever it on my Hdd, and i want to install it when i'll restart the game.



I'm French, don't talk verry well English, hope to be undestandible. :thanks:


EDIT : in fact i think the link i give is about this mod, i just found it while i was writing my post. Sorry, i will see if there is infos i'm searching there.

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I'm sorry to be so vague, but I'm looking for a set of armour I was on here some time ago. It's all evil and scary looking, the words 'doom', 'dread', dark' or 'chaos' are in the title somewhere. Sorry to be so vague but I only remember what it looks like. I understand totally if no one can find it. My description was terrible.
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I'm not sure which animation mod has this is. But i'm looking for a mod that allows you kneel, While sticking your sword in the ground. A mod that lets you kneel with one hand over your knee. & I was wondering if someone can make me a mod for the restoration spell. I know there's a mod that changes the way the spell casting is by doing a snap of the finger. But I would like a mod when you use the restoration spell. Your body kind of floats. Any one has played Final Fantasy XI online. When you get resurrected will know what I mean. It's hard to explain in details though.
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Do you know DUNEterra ? I think it's here http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...9179&st=310


I've downloaded it one day ( 270Mo .exe ) but i never arrived to play to it, and it gived a bug to WryeBash when i tried to delete some spells from my savegame !


Is it playable ? I know the project is abandonned for one year.


I post in this topic because i don't find infos on this mod, but i've ever it on my Hdd, and i want to install it when i'll restart the game.



I'm French, don't talk verry well English, hope to be undestandible. :thanks:


EDIT : in fact i think the link i give is about this mod, i just found it while i was writing my post. Sorry, i will see if there is infos i'm searching there.


well, ccelm,

DUNE is abandoned, promotheus Officially said it on a forum about a year ago, I suggest that you completely delete DUNE from your game. but DO NOT DELETE the DUNE files that you saved after downloading. you might just need it sometime.

there is a new project coming up, it is called "Sands of Destiny". Go view it on HERE.




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