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Modular Beautiful People has Miqote race but I don't know if it's the same one or different. :ohdear:


Thanks for the suggestion, but I have already checked that mod, along with a few related mods from the japanese community sites, and its not the same.

(How the hell do they get their to look so good anyway? Even after I got all the textures to work, they look quite horrible. Deformed horrible.)


GD removed his version of the Miqote Race, because he felt it redundant that there were two versions. You could try contacting him and asking for his version, but I'm not sure how well that'd work. He didn't seem too keen on reuploading it anywhere.

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For a long time i've been looking for mods that change the face or head like.( I hope posting a link from the image area is ok)




and http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=108944 .


Please post if and what mod they are from. (If they are from one. Or post how to do it)


Also what ui or mod is in this ss from MPB++. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37368 (in the SS)


I also have problems with some race mods. Like Cute Elves and Ainmhi. Cute Elves head doesn't load, and Ainmhi has a lot of probs like no hair.


So if some one can post how to get them to work I would be grateful..

Edited by youou2
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You want to edit a character to look like that AND you mention MBP. Do you have that already? Because if you do, you answered your question yourself :D If you don't, starting out with the Moonshadow Elves here on the Nexus would be a good idea. I also recommend the Lop Ears Elves by KKK.
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Can somebody please help me find out what these race mods are? Its been a while since I have checked tesnexus so I'm not sure anymore which race mods these are.







I'd really appreciate it! And I'm really sorry for asking for more but can anyone also tell me what armor are the last two pics using? Thanks a lot in advance!

Edited by tsukasa1615
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Could anyone help me find the mods for TIFA in the following youtube video?




What I am looking for:

the face (would that require me finding a save game with that face in it?)

the clothing (i downloaded the tifa by colorwheels but I think it's different than the one in the video. Opinions?)

the idle animations


Thanks in advance

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