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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Well, I'm not an expert, but I'll give it a try.


The Unofficial Patches fix a lot of the bugs ingame. So it's a a good place to start from.


OBMM helps you install mods in different formats and you can actively change your load order with it. It's very own file format OMOD makes installing and uninstalling a lot easier and less messy.


BOSS has access to an online list of compatible mods and fixes your load order according to that list to reduce conflicts.


OBSE is a script extender and enables a lot of additional functionality for complex mods and scripts. You basically just intall it and use the OBSE launcher to launch your game - that will enable OBSE. If you are not a modder, you don't have to meddle with it.


FInally, Wrye Bash combines a lot of all of this in one huge, powerful, but very complicated tool which takes a lot of getting used to.




Ohh...okay! Thank you for clearing that! I was so confused :wacko: Thank you Chakaru11!!! :dance: Oh and kudos to you! Peace :biggrin:

Edited by mademillie
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Does anyone remember this armor? I realize it's a screenshot from Skyrim, but this was originally made for Oblivion and after the recent crash of my external hdd I've been trying to find the files I lost.



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