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2 questions that are related (maybe even contained in the same mod)


1) can conjuration work on a magic-drain system, rather than a timer...meaning; the amount of magic in your pool is how long the creature or (what I am looking for) bound weapon can be used.

2) If I have a custom weapon, can I make that weapon a bound weapon? Or is there a mod that can do it?

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I'm looking for this armor (Lancer Dread Armor), but I can not find it on Google or NexusMods, does anyone know where I can find it or have it happen to me?

Sorry, my English is not very good.

http://blog-imgs-38.fc2.com/o/a/t/oathexa/LancerDreadArmor03.jpg http://blog-imgs-38.fc2.com/o/a/t/oathexa/LancerDreadArmor02.jpg
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I'm looking for this armor (Lancer Dread Armor), but I can not find it on Google or NexusMods, does anyone know where I can find it or have it happen to me?

Hey, the only thing I remember is, that this armor could be downloaded from the mediafire portal, looong time ago.

What I've found out now is that it's obviously still available, on a russian site (link), but you have to register if you wanna download something there.


(you can see the screenshots if you click on the 2nd tab "скриншоты", directly above the title)

Edited by Tobjoern
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I'm looking for a mod that added a large collection of armors and weapons, originally from an asian modder, that came in two chests near the door between the Market District and Green Emperor Way in the IC. Many of the armors had long skirts. There were about two dozen different armor sets, in total. Any ideas?

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I'm looking for a mod that added a large collection of armors and weapons, originally from an asian modder, that came in two chests near the door between the Market District and Green Emperor Way in the IC. Many of the armors had long skirts. There were about two dozen different armor sets, in total. Any ideas?

Not sure if it's the modder you're looking for, but if it comes to a asian modder who has released a lot of armor and clothing mods, then KURESE aka R18PN comes to mind. Only difference to your request is that all these clothing and armors can be found in chests in Arena District, on top of the walls of the moat to Green Emperor Way.


If this is not what you're looking for: could you give us some more details regarding the armors/weapons? Color or look, f.e?


Greetings, Tobbie :smile:

Edited by Tobjoern
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I'm looking for a mod that added a large collection of armors and weapons, originally from an asian modder, that came in two chests near the door between the Market District and Green Emperor Way in the IC. Many of the armors had long skirts. There were about two dozen different armor sets, in total. Any ideas?

Not sure if it's the modder you're looking for, but if it comes to a asian modder who has released a lot of armor and clothing mods, then KURESE aka R18PN comes to mind. Only difference to your request is that all these clothing and armors can be found in chests in Arena District, on top of the walls of the moat to Green Emperor Way.


If this is not what you're looking for: could you give us some more details regarding the armors/weapons? Color or look, f.e?


Greetings, Tobbie :smile:



No, it was definitely in the Market District. All I remember is that a bunch of the armors had skirts, and at least one of the weapons was a lance. There was also a huge sword. (Sorry I can't remember more details, it's been at least five years since I played.)


Also, when I say 'skirts', I mean they reach to between the knee and ankle, and get much wider toward the bottom. Also, the armors are pretty 'chunky'.


I think the helmet that one of Eiries's characters used to wear a lot was from the set I'm thinking of (though it was probably modified a bit). (Like in this picture: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/101/images/34949-1-1286071667.jpg )


Also also, the 'huge sword' was one of those nonsenically large ones you see in some anime series.


Also also also, this is just one mod I'm talking about that adds ~20 armors and weapons, not a whole bunch of mods that each add 1.


EDIT: Found it! Shiki Armor sets 1+2 by A Type2:




Still looking for the post-processing effects mod, though.

Edited by nyxomenia
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