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Hello, I'm in a bind here...

I'm looking for files that turn the attack animations and everything back to the original.

I haven't found anything yet like a backup files, so I was hoping if someone could help me.




Never mind, it seems to have went back to the original animation after I deleted everything in my mesh/character/_male folder.

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Hello again guys. I'm looking for the armor from this picture. It looks awesome, just wondering if anyone knows what it is.


P.S.: I took this from the Frostmourne And Lich King Helm mod page, if that helps.



It is part of that work by jojjo, still unreleased as of yet.


That's actually a mod called Morrigan Armor Set.


On a side note, I am looking for a mod that adds rings that show up as flames on your hands. If anyone could tell me the name of this or link me to it I would be very appreciative.


Yes I know of the mod it is called flame ring.

You will find it here:




Thank you very much. I have been looking for this mod for a while.

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a void armor http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1220831605.jpg ? Jee another one to look for http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/...-1220024382.jpg so many cool armor's and outfits lately that are not being shared with the community, also that black dress us lot been searching for is there in that chocolate elves mod but i don't think its in the actual mod itself, I believe they call it Ragon's but I wouldn't pay for an oblivion mod it should be free. There should be a nexus law from now on if you post armor/clothes pics on nexus you have to upload the mod ;) I've been searching a lot and personally I can't find any of them, which probably means Asians or whoever share it through emails and just upload pictures. to show off their characters or mods lol sorry to disappoint some people I couldn't get any links to the mods. I'm still searching though but I fear it will be fruitless again.
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Try a pm to the image uploader and find out the name of the mod. Will give everyone a place to start and something specific to look for.


yep I did that with the void http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1220831605.jpg and trying for the ragons elf black dress matsuda_sempai can you do your uploaded link, I'm uber busy these days training for police officer so hard work >.<

Ragon's elf Black dress though I can't find the uploader where do we go to search for a member? I'm going through each page till i find it there are 880+ pages haha

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Try a pm to the image uploader and find out the name of the mod. Will give everyone a place to start and something specific to look for.


yep I did that with the void http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1220831605.jpg and trying for the ragons elf black dress matsuda_sempai can you do your uploaded link, I'm uber busy these days training for police officer so hard work >.<

Ragon's elf Black dress though I can't find the uploader where do we go to search for a member? I'm going through each page till i find it there are 880+ pages haha



It's not called "Ragon's elf black dress", Ragon was a user who only posted once or twice uploaded that pic. In the TesEyeCandy site there are several members who do have it, but none have shared the name of the modder that I could find, and when I asked they just said they agreed not to share it.


I've searched through the asian sites but so far no luck, and I too, am running out of time, my summer is over and time to buckle down.


On TesEyeCandy they have referred to it as "Cuty dress" but that has led nowhere so far.

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I could have sworn that a few years ago I found a mod that extended the pauldrons of the Blades Cuirass to make it look more like a Lorica Segmentata (typical Roman Legionnaire armor). I have no idea who uploaded it or under what name. I've searched for it a few times since, but I can't seem to find it.

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