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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Well title is self explanatory I guess. Anyway - I loved Oblivion on the 360, and after seeing the advert for 'LittleBigPlanet,' where you pretty much customise everything, I decided it was about time i tried to customise oblivion to how i would like it!

Anyway this thread will hopefully provide me with a little insight into HOW i can install and run 'mods;' which 'mods' are good enough to be 'needed;' and if there are any mods around that will live up to my customing dreams.

Alright so:

1) If anyone can point me in the right direction how to install and run mods - it would be much appreciated!

2) Which mods, in the eyes of the community, are needed! Not just to make the game better, or to right any wrongs, but ones that on the whole, everyone enjoys and see's as a 'must' to improve their experience of play!

3) Excuse my list of wants but hey its christmas! My ideal customisations:

a) Dual wielding? Can it be done i ask you?

b) Group mods - can you set up a party to travel with all the time? An example could be like that of Lord of the Rings (i know most rpgs have grouping, its just i use this as an example for size and character differences).

c) Clothing - i like whats already in oblivion, but the odd long coat, and bandit/outlaw attire would be a dream come true!


Anyway yeah - sorry about the obvious lack of experience within my post - I'm not excellent with computers (in the sense of modding) but I'd like to join in on the community and start off by just changing my game around! Then I can work on some of my own projects in the future!


Thanks again.

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i was just wondering if you could find a new kvatch mod i was looking at a week ago but i was busy so i didnt download it so now i am looking for it again adn cant seem to find it hope u can help.



which one do you mean? Kvatch aftermath has been removed and Kvatch Rebuilt is the only one left. there is also Moe-Kvatch Rebuilt, but I don't recommend that.

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i am look for a disguise clothe mod that when you wear the clothes and have a bounty on your head the guards don't chase after you, i have heard of this mod but cant seem to find it appreciate any help.





Reneer's Guard Overhaul has those disguises, along with other features.

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Well title is self explanatory I guess. Anyway - I loved Oblivion on the 360, and after seeing the advert for 'LittleBigPlanet,' where you pretty much customise everything, I decided it was about time i tried to customise oblivion to how i would like it!

Anyway this thread will hopefully provide me with a little insight into HOW i can install and run 'mods;' which 'mods' are good enough to be 'needed;' and if there are any mods around that will live up to my customing dreams.

Alright so:

1) If anyone can point me in the right direction how to install and run mods - it would be much appreciated!

2) Which mods, in the eyes of the community, are needed! Not just to make the game better, or to right any wrongs, but ones that on the whole, everyone enjoys and see's as a 'must' to improve their experience of play!

3) Excuse my list of wants but hey its christmas! My ideal customisations:

a) Dual wielding? Can it be done i ask you?

b) Group mods - can you set up a party to travel with all the time? An example could be like that of Lord of the Rings (i know most rpgs have grouping, its just i use this as an example for size and character differences).

c) Clothing - i like whats already in oblivion, but the odd long coat, and bandit/outlaw attire would be a dream come true!


Anyway yeah - sorry about the obvious lack of experience within my post - I'm not excellent with computers (in the sense of modding) but I'd like to join in on the community and start off by just changing my game around! Then I can work on some of my own projects in the future!


Thanks again.



For the best mods take a look at the TOP 100 or at the Files of the Month

Dual weilding is already done but the second blade is used like a shield no to attack: SEph dual weiling beta ,

Dual wielding , Evantals Dual Wielding or take a look at Adonnays Elven Weaponry (one of my favourtite mods).

I hope it will help you.

Excuse me for my english.



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