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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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hi, :) i cant find this mod, at beginning in the jail call u can walk up to jail door and u see that guy goin blah blah, u go to open the door and a window pops up saying would u like to be a vampire and ask another question or sumthin then takes u out of the imperial prison.....

it like skips the boring long travel through the imperial sewers and the tutorial

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someone please help me find the mod that allows npc's to loot bodies. :excl: i'm going to post this mod list i have going soon it's fantastic but i need a non mmm looting npc and creatures mod. is there one?
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Hi there, i'm looking for a mod enables me to summon more creatores then i currently can. I know those mods excist but could not find them. :blush: Oh yes it has to be able to summon other guards aswell. thanks. :D

The creatures should to be able to summon creatures themselves? I don't know about that, but this mod allows you to summon multiple creatures if your conjuration skill is high enough.



I was actually looking for a mod, that enables me to summon diffrent types of monsters, not the standard once bethesda created (more variety in summons.) There are a lot of creatures in oblivion i want to be able to summon those aswell.

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Hi there, i'm looking for a mod enables me to summon more creatores then i currently can. I know those mods excist but could not find them. :blush: Oh yes it has to be able to summon other guards aswell. thanks. :D

The creatures should to be able to summon creatures themselves? I don't know about that, but this mod allows you to summon multiple creatures if your conjuration skill is high enough.



I was actually looking for a mod, that enables me to summon diffrent types of monsters, not the standard once bethesda created (more variety in summons.) There are a lot of creatures in oblivion i want to be able to summon those aswell.




Just search tessource you'll find it.

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