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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Am Looking for the Mod Oblivion WarCry I have the EV patch for it but I can't find the mod it's self. Cause I don't think it's 2mb big can someone help me with finding it. I went to planet Elder Scrolls where Google and other places take me but the Download Link is no were to be found. Any help with this would be nice.
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You can find it here: Oblivion Warcry, along with its description, look for the download link at the bottom of the first post



Giskarduk pulled out his work, you can find some of it like The elder Council if you serach for Dragon Caption`s work.regreatfully, Origins of the mages guild is no longer availeble as far as i know




not sure what are you exactly after...but i can only give you some belt mods:

Thieves Tool Belt

Book Belts


Hope it helps

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So I was checking the nexus to see if I could find any updates for any of the mods that Giskarduk created (origin of the mages guild, etc) and upon searching, they're not on there anymore


where did they go?



Giskard's stuff Here


The Dragon Captions stuff on Nexus should work with it but he just had a falling out with some members of the team so no idea if it can all mesh atm.

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so what happened to Giskard?


Some of his mods I'm using work just fine. Origin of the mages guild, and the manimarco mod work


but the elder council, the necromancer and kingdom of almar all CTD. They get as far as the bethesda softworks screen and the music starts skipping and they ctd, don't know what it is.


also, is there a werewolf mod that allows you to toggle your transformation? for example, say I'm a werewolf, but I need to meet a character, or do something at night, could I choose to not transform?

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Giskard has had a rocky relationship with the Oblivion modding community for a long time. He no longer mods for oblivion though I think he does work on Fallout3 stuff now. Recently he allowed Dragon Captions to start overhauling his old mods. Then he disallowed it. No idea why.
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Also, anybody know what armor and weapon this is? http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/309180-1238998134.jpg


The weapon... no idea.

The armour, I believe is someone's personal mod, niffed together and retextured from a few different armours (shiki armour being one, judging by the skirt, and then probably some sort of lingerie mod i'm guessing... and maybe part of the shaiya armour underneath the skirt??)



That armor look like this mesh file that I have but with Tonas Bra behind the dress with sinblood retexture of the bra.




Sadly I forget what the dress mod is called too.

The dress mod is called 'Makishima Sakuya' after the character of the same name from Shining Wind. The mod authors are Buies and xca. It's private release, though.
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